Create Memberships on Shopify

Offer VIPs, B2B partners and employees special discounts on your Shopify store

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Reward your most loyal customers to keep them coming back

Don’t overcomplicate with sophisticated rewards program. Simply designate your best customers as VIPs and reward them with a special discount on every order.

Enroll Members on Shopify

Offer Discounts to Members

Verify Membership Enrollment

Assign customers as VIPs or specify which partner companies or employees can enroll as a special member.

Customers register on your Shopify store. We’ll automatically verify membership enrollment based on email address.

Apply a special member discount to every order based on the member’s Shopify customer tags.

Motivate partners and employees to shop at your store with special member accounts and member savings. We take the hassle out of enrollment and member management.

Work with partners and employees to grow your Shopify store sales

Make member enrollment super easy with auto verification after signup

Keep partner and employee programs simple. Allow members to self-enroll on Shopify and we’ll verify their phone number or email address to ensure they belong your designated member programs.

How our Membership app works

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Wave Commerce is a leading Shopify partner helping leading brands and enterprises create and deliver better direct-to-consumer experiences with the Shopify platform.

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We’re currently launching our Shopify app in a private mode for early customers. Sign up now to get early access to our app.

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